Navigating Difficult Conversations
Communicating with emotional and stressed individuals requires knowledge of the impact of stress on communication; understanding the emotions matrix and increased emotional intelligence; combined with a degree of personal resilience.
Most people avoid conflict and as a result put off having difficult conversations. In this workshop we build a process for preparing and then navigating difficult conversations.
Workshop Outcomes
The real reason we avoid certain conversations
Emotional Intelligence components you will need to master
Reframing the conversation
Macro before micro, why we often start at the wrong place
Setting the Objectives before methods
Anticipating likely paths and reactions
The importance of tone and body language and how to use them
Why questions are your most powerful tool
Where to start, and where not
Structuring the conversation
Open and closed question techniques
What to do when people keep repeating themselves
Using OUAA for conversations you can’t prepare for
Delivering bad news professionally
How to handle mistakes